Arraignment of Fani-Kayode stalled, court to rule Dec 17

Ogunsakin Mustapha
3 Min Read
Femi Fani-Kayode about to enter the courtroom

The arraignment of a former Minister of Aviation, and controversial politician, Femi Fani-Kayode by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission EFCC before an Ikeja Special Offences Court was stalled on Monday as his lawyer challenged the jurisdiction of the court to hear the case.

Fani-Kayode, was docked before Justice Abike-Fadipe of a Special Offences Court in Ikeja, on a 12-count charge which borders on procurement of medical report from one Dr. Ogieva Oziegbe with inventory number 00345 dated 11 October, 2021.

According to Rotimi Oyedepo the EFCC prosecutor, Femi Fani-Kayode on October 11, 2021 in Kubwa, Abuja, fraudulent connived with one Dr. Ogieva Oziegbe to execute a document titled: MEDICAL REPORT ON Olufemi Fani Kayode 60 YEARS/MALE/HOSP. NO.00345 and purported same to have been issued by Kubwa General Hospital.

EFCC noted that procuring and execution of documents by false pretense is contrary to section 369 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State 2015. Oyedepo therefore urged the court to take the plea of the defendant.

Fani Kayode being led by EFCC at Court premises on Tuesday morning

However, Fani-Kayode Counsel, Mr. Wale Balogun opposed the prayer, noting that the defence team has filed an application to challenge the jurisdiction of the court to entertain the matter.

Responding, Mr. Oyedepo urged the court to dismiss the application on the grounds that its an attempt to frustrate trial because the defendant was charge on Lagos law and it can only be heard in Lagos jurisdiction.

He emphasize that the Administration of Criminal Justice has addressed various antics about frivolous applications meant to delay the wheel of justice not to succeed to frustrate trial.

In a counter reaction, Mr. Balogun told the court that the various authorities cited by the prosecution to back up his claims are wrongly interpreted.

He noted that the application is not to challenge the validity of the charge information but the jurisdictions to preside over the matter.

Fani-Kayode Counsel urged the court to entertain the application and rule on it before the plea can be taken.

After entertaining the submission of the counsels, Justice Abike-Fadipe reserved ruling till December 17, Friday to decide the application.

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