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Early coronavirus vaccine trial shows it to be safe and effective

An early trial of a prospective COVID-19 vaccine that will soon be…

FBI to review Flynn investigation for misconduct

FBI Director Christopher Wray has ordered an internal review into possible misconduct…

Trump warns state governors to open places of worship — or he’ll do it himself

U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday warned state governors to allow churches,…

Lawyer for Joe Biden accuser Tara Reade drops her as a client

The attorney working with Tara Reade, the former Joe Biden Senate staffer…

‘Petulant’ Trump wears coronavirus mask in private, but avoids photos at Ford plant

U.S. President Donald Trump briefly wore a face mask during his visit…

Coronavirus: U.S. calls for immediate start to review of WHO’s handling of pandemic

GENEVA ⁠— The United States called on the World Health Organization (WHO)…

Huge owl hatches chicks outside man’s window — now the brood watches TV with him

At first, a Belgian man thought the noise coming from his outdoor…

Were years of cleanup at Michigan toxic waste site undone after dams failed?

It took seven years to settle on a plan for cleansing two…

Coronavirus: Over 4K recovering patients discharged, sent to New York nursing homes

NEW YORK — More than 4,300 recovering coronavirus patients were sent to…

As coronavirus spreads, Trump lashes out at science that contradicts him

“A Trump enemy statement,” he said of one study.“A political hit job,”…

Pakistani passenger jet crashes near Karachi, 107 on board

A passenger plane belonging to state-run airline Pakistani International Airlines has crashed…

COMMENTARY: China shows off military strength as Beijing eyes new rules for Hong Kong

Are China and the U.S. about to go to war over their…