Saskatchewan Rattlers player joins chorus of athletes speaking out against racism

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As a Canadian Elite Basketball League (CEBL) champion, Alex Campbell understands the power of teamwork.

That’s why the Saskatchewan Rattlers guard is encouraged by the diversity he’s seen among the groups of people protesting against racial injustice and police misconduct following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Min.

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“I think it helps make that message a little bit stronger and I think that’s what we see today where everyone’s kind of coming together as one,” Campbell said.

“I think that’s the best way for all of us to come together as one nation.”

Although Campbell hasn’t personally had any of what he calls “traumatic experiences” with police, he was taught from a young age that simply being Black means the possibility is always looming.

That’s why the 27-year-old Brampton, Ont., native is adding his voice to the growing chorus of athletes speaking out in support of the Black Lives Matter movement and joining the fight against systemic racism — a group Campbell is pleased to see includes a lot of white faces.

“I think athletes are realizing now, both white and black but particularly white, are realizing that their voice may be an accomplice to what Black people are trying to reach, the goal they’re trying to reach, and that’s just equality,” he said.

While Campbell knows that goal won’t be reached overnight, he believes it’s his duty to get involved.

“If I can use my voice to touch (others) and educate them on things that are going on — things that are going on in the Black community especially from the outside looking in — then I’m gonna do my due diligence and shed that light,” he said.

And through it all, Campbell is hopeful that as more people come to understand what Black people face on a daily basis, they, too, will add their voices of support until they are too loud to ignore.


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