Seminarian slumps, dies during Good Friday play

Olowofela Adeniyi
2 Min Read

One Suel Ambrose, a seminarian at Claratian University of Nigeria, Nekede, Owerri, Imo State, slumped and died while acting in a play to commemorate Good Friday.

Reports say the deceased was playing the role of Peter in the Passion of Christ when the tragedy occurred.

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Ambrose, a native of Benue State, was a first-year student of Philosophy and was 25-year-old.

“He was playing the role of the biblical Peter in the dream and that process when Peter cut the ear of one of the soldiers and Jesus fixed the ear and ask Peter to let them do their wish. You know how passionate the play is.

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“So when the soldiers chase the disciples to drive them away from Jesus, the young man fell on the floor and started bleeding. We took him to our school hospital and the doctors did their best but he was not responding to treatment. We took him to the Federal Medical Center in Owerri where he was pronounced dead,” a student told Punch. 

“The drama was in commemoration of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in respect to the Easter celebration. He was born in 1997. He is a year one student and had the dream of becoming a priest in the Catholic church.”

The institution promised to brief the public later.

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