Tag: Mike Pompeo

Pompeo urges UN to reject Iran’s ‘extortion diplomacy,’ extend arms embargo

Calling Iran “the world’s most heinous terrorist regime,” U.S. Secretary of State…

‘Megaphone diplomacy’: China slams Canada over criticism for detaining Kovrig, Spavor

China lashed out at Canada on Saturday over criticism about Chinese prosecution…

U.S. to impose visa restrictions on Chinese officials who backed Hong Kong legislation

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Friday the United States…

Pompeo urges China to release Canadians accused of ‘groundless’ spying charges

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is calling on China to release…

Mike Pompeo meets top Chinese diplomats amid new Trump details from Bolton

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with a top Chinese official in…

China approves controversial Hong Kong security legislation

China’s legislature endorsed a national security law for Hong Kong on Thursday…

New China law is ‘death knell’ for Hong Kong autonomy: Pompeo

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday condemned China’s effort to take…