Tag: Minnesota protests

Top U.S. military official says it was a ‘mistake’ to join Trump’s bible photo op

WASHINGTON  — U.S. Army Gen. Mark Milley, the nation’s top military officer,…

Amazon bans police from using its facial recognition technology for a year

Amazon on Wednesday banned police use of its face-recognition technology for a…

George Floyd: Minneapolis councillors vow to ‘dismantle’ police department

Minneapolis City Council members are speaking up in support of radical changes…

Minneapolis city councillors vow to ‘dismantle’ police department

Minneapolis City Council members are speaking up in support of radical changes…

George Floyd protests: Peaceful demonstrators flood streets in U.S. cities

Tens of thousands of protesters streamed into the nation’s capital and other…

COMMENTARY: We don’t need and shouldn’t want Trudeau calling out Trump

Whatever one thinks of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau not just showing up…

Michael Jordan and his apparel brand donating US$100M toward racial equality

Michael Jordan and the Jordan Brand are giving US$100 million to organizations…

‘I could hear him pleading’: George Floyd didn’t resist arrest, key witness says

A man who was with George Floyd on the night he died…

Massive Black Lives Matter mural painted near White House

City workers and activists painted the words Black Lives Matter in enormous…

Lawsuit alleges Trump admin violated protesters’ civil rights ahead of church photo op

The American Civil Liberties Union sued the Trump administration Thursday, alleging officials…

Former U.S. defence chief condemns Trump’s response to anti-racism protests

In an extraordinary rebuke, former defense secretary Jim Mattis on Wednesday denounced…

White House compares Trump’s church visit to Winston Churchill in Second World War

The White House said Wednesday that U.S. President Donald Trump‘s visit to…