Unical Suspends HOD Over Alteration of Examination Scores

Ogunsakin Mustapha
2 Min Read

Calabar, Oct. 9, 2024 (TheGavel) – The University of Calabar (UniCal) has suspended Joseph Akpan, a lecturer and Head of the Department (HOD) of Pharmacology, over allegations of misconduct involving the alteration of examination scores.

The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Florence Obi, announced the suspension on Wednesday, revealing that Akpan allegedly altered 235 examination result scripts using his position. The misconduct reportedly involved scores from the Introduction to General Antimicrobial Pharmacology (PHM 311) course.

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Prof. Obi stated that out of 242 result scripts entrusted to Akpan, only five were genuinely marked without alterations. She further alleged that he awarded marks to two students who did not participate in the examinations, raising serious concerns about the integrity of the examination process.

According to the Vice Chancellor, Akpan admitted to the misconduct during a session with the Senate Examination Misconduct Committee (SEMC). He reportedly justified his actions by claiming he inflated scores to protect the department’s image, a rationale that the university management found unacceptable.

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As a result of the findings, the university management has relieved Akpan of his duties as HOD and Coordinator of PHM 311, effective October 8, 2024. His official responsibilities will be reassigned to other qualified lecturers within the department. Additionally, he has been instructed to stay away from the university unless responding to invitations from relevant committees. (NAN)

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