Abuja court dissolves 10-year marriage over childlessness

Ayomide Ogunsakin
1 Min Read

A Customary Court at Nyanya, Abuja, on Friday dissolved a 10-year-old marriage between Blossom Ameh and her husband, Mr Simon, over childlessness.

The presiding judge, Doocivir Yawe, dissolved the marriage on the grounds that both parties had lost interest in the union.

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Doocivir said, “It is on record that both parties have consented to the dissolution of the marriage and also the respondent has asked the court to grant his wife prayer of divorce.

“In view of this, the court has no other choice than to grant the petitioner’s prayer for divorce. The marriage is hereby dissolved.

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“The petitioner is also ordered to return the bride price of N50,000 to the respondent.”

The petitioner, Blossom Ameh took her husband Simon to court, seeking dissolution of the marriage on grounds that she has lost interest in the marriage.

“I am exhausted in this marriage. I have tried my best to have children but all attempts have failed.

“I underwent IVF twice and it failed. I want to go back to my people,” she said.

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